Senior Ph.D. Students

You are a Ph.D. student, who has started studies before 2023 or have already attended the FMSCICOM. Your mission is to submit an Extended Abstract and a Poster.

Extended Abstract

You should follow the standard structure of a scientific paper (IntroductionMethodologyResults, Discussion, Conclusion and References). The paper should not exceed 2,5 pages (excluding references). You can download the basic template at the bottom of this webpage.


  • Briefly describe the topic of your paper, the research questions you address, and the main results you have achieved. The abstract should make it clear to readers why your work is important and what value it adds. Describe the motivation and context of your work and provide an overview of the relevant literature.
  • Maximum length: 1/2 page


  • Describe how you went about addressing the research questions in your paper. Provide a description of the methods, models, or theoretical approaches used and explain why you chose the solutions you did.
  • Maximum length: 1/2 page


  • Present the main results of your work. Focus on how your results differ from existing solutions and what makes your work unique.
  • Maximum length: 1/2 page


  • Discuss your results and interpret them in the context of your original motivation and the literature you used. Also, discuss the limitations of your work and future research possibilities.
  • Maximum length: 1/2 page


  • Summarize the main points of your work and state what results it achieved and what contributions it makes. Also, discuss future directions for your research.
  • Maximum length: 1/2 page


  • Provide a list of all references cited in your paper. APA style is preferred.
  • Maximum length: not limited


Poster is a fun way to present your research. It is a simplified output of your extended abstract and since it is a poster, which we will print on B1 format (707 x 1000 mm), it is much easier for the audience to go through your research and methods. Posters usualy maintain the same structure as the paper itself (in your case the extended abstract), but are much shorter in terms of text and are focused on graphic elements. You can google for some inspiration on how the paper might look like and be creative. There are also free tools that can help you a lot with assembling your poster. Keep in mind that the poster must be in vertical layout. It doesn’t matter if you create your poster as an A format (A3, A4 etc.) as long as it contains everything it should. We will process it and adjust to match the B1 format.

How to submit?

Done with your extended abstract and poster? Great. Send it via e-mail to Aneta Lejckova. Don’t forget to register and keep the deadline.